Tifa has been a WIP for nearly the past 7 months now. Initially, Tifa was meant to be released back in July 2009, however due to unforeseen issues with her neck I had to put the project on hold till I fix the neck and re-build the model.
I'd like to say it's because of school work that delayed the release, but really it's the lack of interest to complete and finalize the template and Reference Manual.
Anyway, I finished whatever needs to get done and now it's time for the release. So you people, who's been pestering me about Tifa can now "rejoice" because she's here. Now go bother someone else, yeh?
Also: I hope to see Tifa have the same success as Cloud;

Awesome!! Thanks. Forward to your next works.
It would be great to make the characters of the Lost Odyssey.
Best regards.
Thank you! This blog post will be advertised on CraftCrave in the Papercraft category today (look for timestamp: [24 Feb 01:00pm GMT]).
I just made the cloud and I'm so exited about making Tifa now. Thanks for making this!
Thanks so much for making this model available! It was a lot of fun to build, and the highlight of my collection at the moment.
See it here!
The download isn't working. The button seems to lead only to the jpg image of the button itself! :(
LOL! Seriously, there's like only one other button that you can click on that actually leads to the download... and it's the one that says "Tifa Lockhart". Try clicking on that first before saying the download isn't working.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you 😊
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